Create your own user feedback survey Post-Secondary Transition Programming | Letstalk
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As an organization with roots in the progressive education movement, that appreciates the value of constructivism as an approach to meet the educational needs of youth with learning differences, LET’S TALK LD (LTLD) understands that our work must include creating opportunities to better prepare young people for post-secondary life.


LET’S TALK LD offers several college, vocation, and resource fairs, to that end. For instance, our members have expressed interest in understanding how assistive technology tools can create opportunities and allow students with learning differences to minimize the impact of the neurodevelopmental challenge and leverage their strengths and affinities.


LET’S TALK LD hosts an annual College Planning and Transition Conference for Neurodiverse Learners that include college admissions, academic support services, financial services, residential life, and other relevant college life professionals. In addition, we also host our annual Partners in Career Success (PiCS) Conference and Resource Fair for Neurodiverse Learners that includes career and employment development and career technical education professionals. Additionally, we intend to also host assistive technology events that will feature companies who have created cutting edge digital tools and other assistive technologies that are designed to support neurodiverse individuals.


Finally, we are also developing summer program offerings that are focused on supporting leadership development and high school-to-work and high school-to­ college transitions.


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