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Community Outreach and

Member Engagement

Parent and Caregiver Community Groups


LET’S TALK LD's Parent Advocate Support System (PASS) is a way to pay homage to our beginnings. Our PASS program allows us to build supportive communities, throughout the Greater Los Angeles area, that are more geographically specific. Greater Los Angeles is geographically dispersed and that presents some unique challenges to community-building.  PASS creates opportunities for LET’S TALK LD members to meet informally and provide support to each other in addressing more pressing issues related to parenting and family dynamics that are unique to families with children with learning differences. We are, of course, open to supporting families in other areas in the Greater Los Angeles area and throughout Southern California.


Institutional Community Groups


Institutional Pods are comprised of communities of educators, paraeducators, resource specialists, therapeutic professionals, advocates, and other specialists, whom we partner and work with to build constructive and conciliatory strategic partnerships. These individuals are drawn from the educational, community and social change organizations in the Greater Los Angeles area. We believe that what makes LET’S TALK LD different, is that it recognizes that by welcoming educators, education specialists, service providers, and community and social change organizations to the table, an opportunity is created for real and transformation change to occur in classrooms.


At LET’S TALK LD, we sincerely believe that by exposing communities of professional educators and specialists to fresh, innovative, and research-based peer-reviewed ideas and approaches to addressing the needs of the special needs learner, our work is strengthened. We work to create unique training and development opportunities for professional educators and specialists, to develop a new paradigm for improving teaching effectiveness and learning outcomes for children with learning differences.



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